The recent controversies surrounding anesthesia reimbursement policies highlight a critical inflecti...
In The News
The Critical Role of Financial Sustainability in Preserving Healthcare
Rural hospitals are the backbone of many communities across the United States, providing critical ac...
The Texas Medical Association (TMA) continues to lead the charge for fair implementation of the No S...
The Impact of Shrinking Reimbursement and No Surprises Act on Anesthesia
The anesthesia industry is facing significant challenges, particularly in the realms of reimbursemen...
Understanding the No Surprises Act and Recent Changes to IDR Processes
Introduction In response to ongoing legal developments and court decisions, notably the Texas Medica...
Navigating the Waters of the No Surprises Act: Challenges for Emergency Departments
The landscape of emergency healthcare is undergoing significant changes with the introduction of the...
Texas Court Boosts Out-of-Network Providers with QPA Ruling
Recent developments have once again shed light on the ongoing litigation around the No Surprises Act...
The No Surprises Act and the IDR process are new developments in the healthcare industry, and as suc...
Independent Dispute Resolution (IDR) is a process that is used to resolve payment disputes between h...
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